Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


Mama's Update

Well, since most of the visitors are family or friends of the family, you know this site is dedicated to Nina's milestones or new stages in her development. But today is different. As we shared in her 12 month check up post, Nina has had a clogged tear duct since birth. It usually goes away on its own with easy at-home treatment. Occasionally it doesn't. Nina is one of those. This coming Tuesday (5/30) she will have surgery to remove the matter that is causing her right eye to overflow with tears almost constantly. It is a simple and short procedure that this specialist does quite often. Will will spend the night at Grandma's, Nina & I will wake up early Tuesday morning and drive straight to the hospital. She can't eat or drink anything after midnight so that drive might seem long! If you see this before that date, please pray for us. If you read this after and I haven't updated yet - so sorry & I will update as soon as we get back from vacation! We are leaving 6/1 for a very overdue vacation and will return on 6/7. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Thank you!


1 year old check up & Birthday Recap

Weight: 17 lbs 15 oz - 7th percentile
Height: 31.25 inches - 80th percentile
Head Circ.: 17.5 inches - 70th percentile
Cradle Cap: keep brushing her hair daily with baby brush
Clogged Tear Duct: we were referred to a specialist so they can watch it closer
Immunizations (Owies): 4 - Chicken Pox, Hib, MMR, Prevnar
Other: Dr. wants me to gain more weight. I get to have all the cheese & hot dogs & eggs I want! He even gave mommy a recipe for super baby eggs - 2 yolks, 1 white! It's probably super tasty too.
I got the neatest stuff for my birthday! I got this pretty pretty shirt with flowers on it and a little shrug - I felt so pretty wearing it. (Actually I got a bunch of pretty shirts but I haven't had a chance to see them all yet.) I saw a soft soft sweater and a bright green sundress. I love dresses. I love dressing up. Mama leaves my sunhat out all the time so I run over and grab it. I love my big floppy hat. Grandma R gave me a really sturdy shopping cart to push all over the house. It is so much fun to put my babies in the cart and go. Great Grandma & Grandpa W gave me a stroller with a new baby. Will & I trade on who is pushing which thing and which baby. Auntie Manders bought me a phone that makes animal sounds and says "hello" when I pick it up. That is so much fun! I love talking on the phone! Whenever Mama sets down her phone I pick it up & try to call someone. Now I have my own phone!! I got so many clothes - shorts and capris and great summer stuff. Mama & Daddy gave me a Little People house that makes sounds. Will & I play with all the Little People every day. We are having a lot of fun moving everyone around and making the house make sounds. With all the push toys I am becoming a very sturdy walker. I guess I'm a toddler now. I started saying "this" and pointing at things and pictures. When I started pointing I stopped signing. Mama is a little frustrated with that, but I am trying out a new word here! I used to say "dada" too, but "this" is much for more fun say. Tomorrow I get to have Grandma R all to myself for about an hour. It's going to be great!


Easter & Stuff

Well, well, well.... It has been a long time. There's reason for that, but not on Nina's page.
Easter - here's a picture of her dress. It was a touch too big (12-18 months and she isn't even a big 11 month old!) but it was so pretty! Before church I had a clothespin pulling all the material up in back so she could still crawl around. During church it was a little cold so she kept the sweater on. I had looked around for some nice shoes, but decided not to worry about it, she likes her Robeez. For family pictures she was wearing a little lace headband, but I don't have a really good picture of just her. Nina didn't find eggs at all, but she did try to swallow many of the small plastic ones. We had to put them away right away.
Other News! Nina is a very good walker. But she still crawls faster than she walks, so if she's ever in a hurry or has a goal, she usually crawls. With the good weather I've been taking her in the back yard more and she discovered that grass is pokey. She won't crawl on that stuff, she will only push her toy or she wants us to walk her around. Nina loves to talk & sing. She & Will talk and sing to each other all the time in the car. Sometimes she talks back to Baby Einstein videos. Nina is transitioning to 1 nap a day now. She can make it about 4-5 hours in the morning before a nap. If it is long (1.5 hours or longer) then she can make it all the way to dinner & bedtime. But sometimes (like today) it is a shorter nap, about 1 hour, so she will have to take a late afternoon nap and then bedtime will be later too. Oh well. We have to go run some birthday errands tonight.
Nina will be 1 year old on Saturday. I'm having flashbacks to where I was 1 year ago today (yesterday, tomorrow) and remembering that incredible feeling to finally hold my baby that had been kicking me for so long! We're going to be annoying parents & take tons and tons of video and digital pictures. I will do my best to get them on this page soon afterwards. Thanks for visiting!

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