Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


1 year old check up & Birthday Recap

Weight: 17 lbs 15 oz - 7th percentile
Height: 31.25 inches - 80th percentile
Head Circ.: 17.5 inches - 70th percentile
Cradle Cap: keep brushing her hair daily with baby brush
Clogged Tear Duct: we were referred to a specialist so they can watch it closer
Immunizations (Owies): 4 - Chicken Pox, Hib, MMR, Prevnar
Other: Dr. wants me to gain more weight. I get to have all the cheese & hot dogs & eggs I want! He even gave mommy a recipe for super baby eggs - 2 yolks, 1 white! It's probably super tasty too.
I got the neatest stuff for my birthday! I got this pretty pretty shirt with flowers on it and a little shrug - I felt so pretty wearing it. (Actually I got a bunch of pretty shirts but I haven't had a chance to see them all yet.) I saw a soft soft sweater and a bright green sundress. I love dresses. I love dressing up. Mama leaves my sunhat out all the time so I run over and grab it. I love my big floppy hat. Grandma R gave me a really sturdy shopping cart to push all over the house. It is so much fun to put my babies in the cart and go. Great Grandma & Grandpa W gave me a stroller with a new baby. Will & I trade on who is pushing which thing and which baby. Auntie Manders bought me a phone that makes animal sounds and says "hello" when I pick it up. That is so much fun! I love talking on the phone! Whenever Mama sets down her phone I pick it up & try to call someone. Now I have my own phone!! I got so many clothes - shorts and capris and great summer stuff. Mama & Daddy gave me a Little People house that makes sounds. Will & I play with all the Little People every day. We are having a lot of fun moving everyone around and making the house make sounds. With all the push toys I am becoming a very sturdy walker. I guess I'm a toddler now. I started saying "this" and pointing at things and pictures. When I started pointing I stopped signing. Mama is a little frustrated with that, but I am trying out a new word here! I used to say "dada" too, but "this" is much for more fun say. Tomorrow I get to have Grandma R all to myself for about an hour. It's going to be great!


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