Start of 4th grade
Hi honey,
I'm so excited for this new school year. You've grown up a lot in the last 6 months. You're showing me a lot of wisdom in your choices, from preparing for bed time to handling conflict with your brothers. You certainly know how to speak up for yourself and to encourage others to do the right thing. Thank you for learning the heart difference between tattling and reporting. That makes a huge difference to your brothers. You've grown in being trustworthy, honest, careful and helpful. I love having you cook!
This next year may not be much harder than 3rd grade school work. I bet that every lesson will be a little stretch and after a few weeks you'll understand and start thinking it's "too easy." Keep embracing that stretch. This determination you've already displayed most of your life is what keeps us believing you are more than you seem. You are an amazing girl on the brink of becoming an amazing young woman. You have a fiery heart, a passion inside that hasn't found direction yet. That's okay, we can explore those ideas together. Remember that as your family, we are on your team. We are on your side. We are here to help, to assist, to listen, to guide.
In your friendships, be careful and be patient. Most of your friends are maturing just like you and discovering they have strong dislikes and strong passions about certain things. As you all explore these new ideas, encourage them if possible. And if you hear hurtful things, you have a safe place here. Keep that same standard of tattling vs reporting in your heart. Share only things you know to be true from a heart of concern.
We love you very much. We truly are excited for this next season in your life!
Labels: 4th grade, 9 years old, mom, school, update
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