Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


New Year, New Post

Ahhh, it's been a long time.
Nina had a good Christmas. She got a lot of things she really enjoys. A few examples are: baby dolls, apron & cooking utensils, baby stroller, and a backpack. There were more things that she loves but that's all I can think off at the moment. Nina is still a good sleeper! She sleeps roughly 12 hours at night and still takes a 2 hour nap every afternoon. She is currently trying very hard to be independent and talkative, but it's not going as well as she would like. She wants to talk, she wants to tell us what she wants and doesn't want. She's getting quite particular. However, her vocabulary is still limited to about 20 2-syllable words. That makes getting juice into the correct sippy cup very complicated for her. She throws a lot of fits out of frustration and it often feels like she is trying to manipulate us into doing things her way. She needs to learn that she is not the boss. Especially since she is not the baby anymore, she is the middle child. That's right, Nina is getting a baby brother in late May or early June. She adores all babies we run into (cousins, neighbors) and is very gentle. She's going to be a great big sister and very helpful. But she does need to learn that the world doesn't revolve around her and her opinions.
Nina continues to measure slightly above average height but is barely 20 pounds. We will go see a nutritionist in about a week. She is a good eater and it's certainly not that she's picky or a "grazer." But I really hope the nutritionist will let her get down & run & see how much she burns! That girl is all muscle and she is a very busy bee. Just like big brother, sigh... They have such a wonderful time in the tub. I think bathtime is her favorite time of day. They like to slide down the back and make the water slosh all over.


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