Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


Winter Update

Nina has become really attached to William. Every time she wakes up, either in the morning or from a nap, she asks about him. Where is he? Can I hear him? When she does see him, she's overjoyed & often runs to hug him.
After a bout of the flu & cutting 4 more teeth (eye teeth I think) she is finally doing better. She has also learned how to get out of her crib whenever she wants, and does it so well & so quietly that even with her door open, my door open & the baby monitor on, I sometimes don't hear her do it! She is also threatening to stop napping. In the last two weeks she only took naps when she needed cough medicine. That pushes her bedtime back even further (from 7 pm to nearly 6 pm) and I'm hoping that if she is going to abandon naps, she will learn to sleep in. At least until 7:30 or maybe even 8!
Nina knows a lot of body parts and enjoys pointing them out. It's even part of her bedtime routine now. "Where is Nina's eye? Where is Daddy's eye?" The only thing Mommy does different is point out the baby in Mommy's belly. She never fails to kiss it & give it a nice pat. And then she looks at her belly & tries to kiss it too. William started calling his nostrils "tunnels" and she picked it up. So now after we ask about her nose, we ask about her tunnel & she will always point to either ours or her nostril! :)
She also loves bath time & making splashes. For being such a small person, she can really make a mess! She likes to play in bubble bath and has two little tiny bath poofs that she plays with. Nina likes to sing and talk and will talk in the car just for the sake of entertaining herself or keeping herself awake.
Weight! I almost forgot! She had a weight check up in February and weighed over 21 lbs! And that was with only a dry diaper on! The dr. was so happy he said I don't have to bring her back until her 2 year old check up in May!

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