Summer Weight - Part 2
Good news all around. Nina was back at the dr. at the end of July for a cold and she had gained a significant amount of weight. She is now at 19 lbs 7 oz! That is much closer to normal and she is beginning to fill out her clothes. Finally the tabs on her diaper aren't touching each other. For a while I considered using a size smaller for her, but they're fitting fine again.
Nina was at the hospital for a sweat screen on 7/31. This is the initial test for cystic fibrosis (more info here). We've believed all along that she does not have CF, she simply learned to walk & became a picky eater at the same time. I received the results this morning and it was negative. Praise the Lord! We are still working on the food and nutrition end of it. She goes through small spurts of eating one food and not another and then changing it after just a few days. For a long time I could depend on her to eat bagels, cereal or yogurt. Now the only cereal she will eat is out of my bowl. She has no problem eating fresh fruits & vegetables, however! And her proteins seem to be fine - mostly in the form of hot dogs, chicken nuggets & whatever Mama is having for dinner.
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