Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


More Teeth!

Nina's third tooth made it's debut last night. It is the left front tooth on the top. Her almost Uncle Jason knows which numbers they all are, but I don't. :) And the one right next to it will probably break through today or tomorrow. So there we are, 4 teeth in less than 4 weeks!


So cranky...

We've had two crazy weeks around here! The first week Will was sick, this last week Nina was sick. Poor girl- I can see her two top teeth just about to break through any minute, she has had an ear infection, a bad cold and (for several days) a bad diaper rash. The amoxicillin for the EI gives her diarrhea (funny though, it has NO odor) and because of the diaper rash, she screams like a banshee as soon as it happens. "Stop what you're doing and get this stuff off me!!!" Unfortunately, this happened right when I got the boys outside one day. We were only outside for about 5 minutes when she started crying and wiggling. I thought she was just being cranky about not being able to get out of the stroller but it was the diaper calling me.
Today Will took a long nap, which allowed me to spend about an hour and a half with Nina alone. Wow, it was so much fun to play with her! She doesn't like to be thrown in the air, but likes her tummy rubbed - it makes her laugh. She is still testing out the idea of walking and loves to drag me around by my fingers. She even stood by herself for a few seconds a couple times. I took her to a photographer on Sunday, the day I had her at the doctor & discovered why she was so cranky. And even my sick baby girl could still ham it up for the camera. We took pictures in a special outfit from Auntie Ty (she is growing out of it faster than she can wear it) and several naked pictures. Wait until you see them, she was perfect. If she were older I'd say that she really knows how to "work it." Since she's just a little tyke I'll just say that she is a natural. Here's hoping she feels better & cuts those teeth soon!


Two Toofies!

My second tooth broke through! Mommy found it this morning over breakfast. It's right next to my first tooth, so now I have two bottom teeth. I've been a little extra cranky today because of it, so maybe tomorrow it won't hurt so bad.


First Tooth

My first tooth finally cut through yesterday! Mama found it while she was trying to calm me down in the car. I was biting on her knuckle really hard when all of a sudden she felt a tiny sharp object. She was so excited she made Daddy feel it as soon as he could. It has taken a long time and a lot of Baby Tylenol to finally break a tooth through my gums, so everyone was very excited. You can't see it yet because my tongue is usually in the way, but it's there!


Nine Month Check Up

My sweet Nina is 9 months old on Monday! She had her doctor's appointment on the 1st and this is what we learned.
Height, 27.5", 50%
Weight, 17 lbs 12 oz, 40%
Head Circ., 17.5", 50%
Everything is right on target. She didn't grow as much, but she is in that phase of becoming more active and still getting used to table food. The doctor was impressed with her two physical accomplishments: sitting and pulling herself up. She has a little runny nose (the kids both have a cold) but her ears looked fine.
We discussed her rash, sleep habits (not sleeping through the night), the possibilities of night-weaning and perhaps dropping a daytime feeding or at least spacing them out a little more.
Rash - I showed him the wonderful Gerber Teeny Faces that really does seem to be magic on her skin. Once again, he said it looks like an irritation from her shirts getting wet from all the drool & to try to keep it dry. No teeth yet!!
Sleep - He was very supportive & encouraging and said she is definitely ready. I just wanted to be sure she was developmentally and physically ready for sleep training.
Feedings - Doctor was again very encouraging. She has really taken to several foods: Cheerios, applesauce, babyfood from a jar, yogurt and my spaghetti. She does mash food with her jaws (no teeth) so she can handle small or mushy chunks. So, it is fine to space out the nursings and replace them with snacks instead.
Nina got her 3rd round of Hepatitis B vaccine and a flu booster, so her little thighs were sore for the rest of the day.
Happy Milestone Day to my little girl! You're growing up so fast! ((squeeze))

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