Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


My 1st Boo Boo(s)

This is my first big owie. I was trying to pull myself up on a TV tray but it folded in on itself and then fell on me. My little button nose was scraped from it pushing me over and it landed on the bridge of my nose. You can't really see the swelling here, but it got really big. So big that Mama cried because she thought my nose was ruined. :) Luckily the swelling went down and within 24 hours my nose was normal again! Unfortunately just a few days later I fell right on my lip. Mommy thought I had hit my nose again (because it was still really sore) but my mouth was swollen & bloody pretty quick. A cold wash cloth made it feel better and Tylenol is always good too. Still no teeth but my teething rash cleared up, thanks to Gerber's "Teeny Faces" moisturizer stick. Mommy is really impressed because she had tried everything: every lotion, every ointment, every powder, every old wive's tale, every possible food AND changing my shirt every time it got damp (which is often!). You can see in the picture my chin is pretty now. Daddy taught me how to get up the stairs to the landing, so now Mama has to put up a gate anytime I'm downstairs. There's just so much to see & do!


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