Gracie Girl

Nina is growing so fast! She will tell you what she's doing lately, just check back...


Six Months Old

Six Months Old on 11/6/05
No teeth yet, but a nasty rash under the chin! Mama is changing bibs all day from either the spit up or the drool, which ever soaks the bib first. I like to chew on Mama's knuckle, a pacifier, a teething ring, a soaked bib or anything else close to my mouth. My new exersaucer has several chewing toys on it and they are a lot of fun.
I am 26.5 inches long (75th percentile) and 16 lbs 1 oz (50th percentile). The doctor says I'm kind of tall and I didn't gain as much weight as he thought. But that's okay because I can sit now and almost crawl, so I must be burning off more energy than I am eating.
I don't like cereal. I don't like oatmeal or rice cereal. I don't like rice cereal mixed with bananas either. The doctor said to try other foods so Mama keeps trying to feed me plain mashed bananas. They're okay. I swallow some of it. I would rather just sit with Mommy though. Why do I have to eat things off a spoon? I'm not spitting up as much as I used to. It must still be a lot though because Mama asked the doctor about it. He wasn't concerned and he thinks that as I eat other foods I will stop spitting up.
Sitting and Playing
Well, as you can see from the picture, I'm pretty good at this! I like to stand too, but I am very wobbly. My saucer is a lot of fun to stand in because I can't fall down or fall over. All the toys are attached so Will can't take them away from me. I like to play blocks with him but he doesn't like me to drool on them. I like to play my little piano. It makes beautiful music and the lights dance to the melody. It is one of my favorite things to do right now.
Sometimes I wake up in the night and I'm hungry. Sometimes I think I'm hungry but I fall asleep eating. Sometimes I just want someone to hold me. I haven't been sleeping for long stretches, but I am getting better at going to bed quietly. Well, sometimes I do!
I love to spend time with my Daddy. He wears hats and lets me chew on the brim. It's such a funny feeling! I tried to climb up him today but I didn't make it very far. Will is playing with me a little more. He likes to turn my saucer in circles while I'm in it. He is kissing me all the time too. Slobbery tongue kisses; it's so silly! Mama is still my favorite person. I usually yell when she leaves the room. She left me in nursery at church for a long time but I didn't notice. There were so many people and toys, it was okay.
My six month birthday was also my Grandpa Uhlenkott's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!


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