Almost 7 Months Old
Here is Daddy and me about two weeks ago. I am wearing my pretty Christmas dress that Mama bought for me last year. A few things have changed since I turned six months old. I can move forward now and I eat food! I can get to any toy I want by wiggling on my belly and pulling myself forward on my elbows. I haven't figured out what to do with my legs yet. Maybe next month. :)
Mama had me trying so many different kinds of food and a lot of them looked interesting but didn't taste very good. I really liked her spaghetti sauce. After a few days Mama finally figured it out and gave me some mashed potatoes off her plate. Yum! I love mashed potatoes! Sweet potatoes are pretty good too; beans and peas are okay. I just tried carrots yesterday for the first time. Not bad but they make bad stains. Not even Oxy-Clean can get carrot out of my bib. Now that I eat food I want to eat anytime I see someone else eating, even if I just ate. It just looks like fun. Everyone else is talking and laughing and I want to be a part of it!
One other new thing is that I am taking 2 naps now. I was taking 3 short ones but 2 long ones is better. I like to go to sleep in my bed, it's very hard to sleep when Mama is shopping.
It snowed yesterday and we went outside to watch Will play. I didn't like that at all. Snowflakes kept falling on my little nose, making me look up to see what it was. Oh no, now there are snowflakes in my eyes! I just wanted to be inside where it was warm!
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